Believing for the Promises Ahead
Let's trade our "Wait-and-See" for "Wait-and-Expect"
What Was I Made For?
It’s not about a fixed destination but a daily journey of relying on His provision and direction.
The Legacy You Are Building
My friend, can I encourage you that the power of our legacy is that it is not really ours.
Standing Firm in the Fire
Are we willing to be weird, to be different, or to be ridiculed for our faith?
Learning While Waiting
We must find joy in the waiting and allow ourselves to have new eyes for the season we are in.
Living A Life On Purpose
Through understanding our identity in Him, our purpose is revealed.
Being Present
Do you intentionally create a space to HEAR the whisper of God?
Living Out the Wonder
Aren’t you thankful that the presence of God is not limited to a specific location or event?
Awaken Your Wonder
...remember that we serve a wonderful God who is HOPE and can renew our wonder…
Think On These Things
“If you focus on the pothole, you’ll hit it every time.”
Identity Matters
Nothing can make us more confident than knowing what our creator says about us
Overcoming Complacency
- keeping His promises in front of us, His goodness,
His love, His call to holiness, and more -
The Wonder of a New Start
What wakes up your wonder?
Peace in Chaos
When we call on him -- even in chaos -- He gives us His peace!
Living in Overflow
Living in Overflow
First Love: Butterflies and Birth
Your first love — your forever love.
It’s Time For A Genesis
God is providing is a new beginning - A Genesis!
Becoming all God has created you to be.
Created for Community
We are truly better together!