Peace in Chaos

By Ashley Self

What do you think of when you think of the word chaos? I think of the opening scene in Home Alone. The entire family is in one house the night before leaving for a family Christmas trip. People are everywhere; everyone is trying to pack; people are hungry; kids are fighting; one kid is getting in trouble; the tarantula is free; and no one hears the doorbell ring. Oh, and if that weren't enough of a feeling of chaos, wait until the next morning when they've overslept for their flight.

I think we would all agree that there are varying degrees of chaos in our lives. We live in a world where chaos is inevitable no matter how hard we try to avoid it. 

Chaos is defined as “complete disorder and confusion." Peace is defined as “freedom from disturbance; tranquility." Simply by definition, it seems that the two cannot coincide.

In the book of Luke, we read about the birth of Jesus. Isn’t it interesting that the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth weren’t peaceful? Let's do a quick recap. Mary finds out from an angel she's a virgin. Then Mary and Joseph have to leave home to travel to another town, and all the hotels were booked. Mary goes into labor and gives birth in a stable.  After Jesus was born, the family fled to Egypt because King Herod wanted to find Jesus and kill him. The Prince of Peace himself showed up in this chaos. Throughout the Bible we read that Jesus shows up in many chaotic circumstances and situations.

So how do we practically find peace in the chaos? I read a quote recently that said, “Peace isn’t in the absence of storms, but it is found in the presence of God.” That’s the answer! I don’t know about you, but my heart craves His presence. However, my schedule and life seem to crowd out the very thing I crave the most. 

When things are chaotic, how do we create moments to experience God and be in His presence? First, we need to intentionally make time to spend with him. The crazier things become, the more important this is. We need to take time to read, to pray, and to listen to what he is speaking to us. Second, we need to remind ourselves of the truth of God’s Word. We steer where we stare. This might look like writing scriptures about peace on sticky notes and placing them on the bathroom mirror and in the car. 

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 26:3:

“You keep in perfect peace all who trust in you--all whose thoughts are fixed on you.”

Listening to sermons and worship music are other ways to consistently remind ourselves of what God promises us through His Word.  Finally, we must trust that The Prince of Peace is with us. He was born so that we may have peace.  

When we call on him -- even in chaos -- He gives us His peace!


The Wonder of a New Start

