We Will See It Come To Pass
We Will See It Come To Pass
Have you ever felt like you’ve just been waiting on God? And waiting... and waiting... and waiting. I’ve heard it said that faith is sometimes less about how big you can believe, and more about how long you can keep on believing.
I know many friends in my life who are waiting on the promises of God to come to fruition for them. It can be extremely frustrating and painful. One friend has been praying to have a child for many, many years. One is waiting for complete freedom from the mental and emotional effects of a trauma she’s experienced. As for me, I’m still praying for my family to come to know Jesus.
Today, let’s all be reminded of the Word from Habakkuk that says: “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.” We WILL see it come to pass - in God’s perfect timing - but as we wait, here are three things I think can help us.
Wait on the revealed Word of God. Even as the Scripture above states, having vision for our lives is extremely important. It orients and directs us, encouraging us in our day-to-day. Even Proverbs 29 tells us that without it, we are aimless, purposeless. However, there is a caution. This vision isn’t just something we create on our own. It is the revealed Word of God to us. Too often I have seen women led astray because they created a “Word” for themselves and assigned God’s voice to it. The vision we will see come to pass will not be something of our own creation. No, it will be “exceedingly and abundantly above” (Ephesians 3:20), and it requires that we be a people found at the feet of the Father, patiently awaiting the revelation He has for us.
Rehearse God’s promises. The Scripture is chock-full of the promises of God. When I go to my Bible, I typically approach to discover Jesus or receive instruction. Only recently have I begun reading it to understand His promises. It is a game changer!! To remember and rehearse the things He has spoken over me, to bless the Lord and “forget not His benefits” (Psalm 103). It makes me walk differently. Not only that, but I’ve come to realize the promises that I’m living in right now! Rehearsing His promises makes me live grateful because it opens my eyes to what He’s already begun! What promises has God spoken over you? What do you see Him already doing?
Remember God’s character. “God is not a man, that He would lie, Nor a son of man, that He would change His mind; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19). Whatever the Word is that you’re waiting for, remember that it coming to pass is not about you. It’s about God and His glory. Rest assured, God cannot change. The same God that rose Lazarus from the dead after 3 days, the same God that saw David become king after 15 years, the same God who gave Abraham a son after 100 years, that God is working on your behalf. Praise Him now. We will see it come to pass.
I love you, Radiant Sisters. Stay faithful in the waiting!
~ Zion Montgomery