We Will See It!

We all know that 2020 was a year like no other, and so far 2021 has not proven to be any different. With pandemics, politics, record-breaking ice storms here in Austin, there has been so much that has not gone as “planned”. But it is not just the large, world changing events that often challenge us the most, it is the events that happen in our homes, in our families, in our hearts personally that are often the greatest points of pain.

In December, my family began walking through a health challenge when my husband found out that he had a torn retina in his left eye. All of a sudden, he couldn’t see clearly. Normal things that used to be easy for him all of a sudden became much more difficult or impossible. He had to have several surgeries, and after the surgeries the healing process was not easy. He had to lie face down at all times, hoping that his eye would heal fully. He is on the road to recovery, but it is crazy how a blurred vision can change your life in a moment.

When you look at the past year, with so many unmet expectations, are you seeing clearly? Do you have faith and vision for the future as you trust God, or do you find yourself lost in the middle of the chaos?

In John 11, we see a woman named Mary who forgot how to SEE. Her brother Lazarus had become very sick, and she sent for Jesus to come because she knew that Jesus could heal him. But Jesus didn’t show up when she thought that she needed him the most. In fact, by the time Jesus arrived at her house, her brother had been dead for four days. She is heartbroken that Jesus was too delayed to heal him. She wanted her expectations to be met, she wanted to not grieve the loss of her brother, she wanted to be happy, but yet she finds herself disappointed.

We see her in John 11:32 with this response, “Therefore, when Mary came where Jesus was, she saw Him, and fell at His feet, saying to Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.’”

Have you ever found yourself here? The personal loss of what you thought was going to happen in your life leads you to not being able to see. Mary lost sight of the power and majesty of Jesus. She forgot that he could not only heal the sick, but that he could also raise the dead. She was blinded by loss, but Jesus could see beyond her temporary situation.

Jesus goes to Lazarus’s grave and declares, “Remove the stone.” (John 11:39 NASB)

Lazarus comes out, grave clothes and all, healed and whole! A testimony to the world of the power and might of Jesus!

Today, don’t forget that no matter what, when you surrender your life, your pain, your heartache, your sickness to God, you will get fresh perspective of the One who can bring healing and wholeness to your life. We WILL see it when we trust in Jesus who has seen all of our yesterdays, and deeply cares about all of your tomorrows!

~ Pastor Lori Champion


We Will See It Come To Pass


I Am Focused