This month my husband and I celebrated 3 years of living in Austin, Texas. There was some adjusting to Texas life coming from New York City, but the easiest and most enjoyable is the outdoors. Hills, parks, lakes, and lots of green grass. Not something you see much of in the city.

My husband and I have been enjoying walking trails. The other day we found a trail that led us to a rocky surface that required a little climbing, not too much, but for this city girl it sure was. Now, I’m afraid of heights but I decided to go for the climb. I enjoyed the little extra exercise and the breeze as we climbed, but then the breeze turned into a little bit of a wind. It began to throw off my balance a little so I had to be a bit more intentional on my steps so that I wouldn’t lose my footing. As we kept going, I began to hear water, well now I started moving! I wanted to see what was on the other side of this climb. As excited as I was, my fear of heights kicked in a little and that wind kept trying to push my balance off. Honestly, I thought about turning around, but I wanted to see what was on the other side. When we finally reached the top, we saw the most beautiful lake and the landscape was so nice. I just stood there, steady on that rock, with the wind hitting me, and enjoyed that view.

Isn’t that like our Christian journey? We’re on the “climb of life” and then winds of testing and trials begin to push us, trying to throw off our balance with doubt and fear.

You know, climbing up on that rock, I said to myself “I may slip, but at least this rock ain’t going nowhere!” How true is that of God! Our balance, or our faith, may get tested but God is faithful, and just like that rock, He’s not going anywhere!

The same way I had to be intentional on where I would step while the wind pushed, I need to be intentional about my thinking. What am I believing about God when I encounter winds of trials and testing? Am I intentional about taking Him at His Word and stepping into His promises? Standing steady on His faithfulness?

If we answer honestly, sometimes we forget God’s promises and we lose our footing. David writes in Psalms 73 “But as for me, I almost lost my footing, my feet were slipping” That’s what can happen to any of us when we forget God’s promises and no longer have God’s perspective.

Ah, but when we have God’s perspective, we have sure footing and can climb any surface.
Habakkuk 3:19 says “The Sovereign LORD is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to walk on mountain heights.”

Are you encountering winds right now that are throwing off your balance, causing your feet to slip? Can I encourage you to keep climbing! Even if you lose your footing and slip, get back up, that rock isn’t going anywhere. Jesus isn’t going anywhere! His faithfulness is a foundation you can securely stand on. Trust Him my sister, stand on His Word and I promise you there is something beautiful for you to see on the other side.

- Barbie


Closing The Gap


Unshakeable Faith