We Will See It Birthed

When Pastor Celeste reached out to me and asked me to write a blog entitled “We will see it…birthed”, butterflies filled my stomach. I just gave birth ten weeks ago to a beautiful little boy, and to be honest, leading up to giving birth, I was terrified. I feared the pain, feared the uncertainty, feared the journey I was about to take to enter a completely new season of my life…

You see, giving birth to a baby is not a random experience. When you are pregnant, you can SEE that birth is ahead! (Other than those women on the show “I Didn’t know I Was Pregnant”, but let’s be honest, I don’t know how that even happens! Haha!) When I thought about the fear ahead of me as I was pregnant, I remembered this scripture in Hebrews 12:2 (NLT) “…Because of the joy awaiting him (Jesus), he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”

What is beautiful about this scripture is that Jesus KNEW the pain that was ahead of him. He knew that the cross was in his future. He knew that He would take on the weight of my sin, and your sin, so that we could be set free. He saw it, yet He chose it.

Is there something in your life that you want to see birthed? Maybe it’s a baby, or maybe it’s a dream in your heart, or maybe it’s a calling that you know you need to step into, or maybe it is a legacy that you want to leave. Often we don’t see our dreams come to pass, we shrink back in fear that it will never be birthed. However, we have to  CHOOSE to embrace the pain of the process, and keep believing that as we endure, there is joy ahead! 

 If you have been struggling to get pregnant or have a baby, I pray that you see that God has uniquely called you to be a mother to those around you today. If you have a calling that you know you need to step into but you are fearful, I pray that you say yes to Jesus as you step into it day by day. If you have a dream that seems impossible that you have given up on, I pray that you dream AGAIN.

So there I was, almost 40 weeks pregnant, fearful to give birth. Anxiously awaiting my son’s arrival. And then the day came. The contractions started. My body did the most painful and incredible thing that it had ever gone through. And in one moment, I met my son and realized that I had lived in fear for no reason at all. I wish I had known the JOY that was set before me after the pain of birth. I would do the pain all over again, I would face the fear all over again because the gift of my son is one of the greatest gifts that God has ever given to me.

Maybe the fear you are living in today is real, but don’t forget the joy set before you on the other side of this season! It is hope for you & me! 


We Will See Adventure


We Will See It Healed