We Will See The Impossible
Moses lifts his head. The desert wind in the Sahara hits his face as he closes his eyes and seeks God about what to do next. In front of him is water, behind him is an army coming to kill him. Between the water and Pharos’s army are millions of people depending on him. Millions of people are looking to him to know what to do. With nowhere to go, Moses wades into the Red Sea. He looks to heaven and places his staff in the water.
He was standing in the middle of what looked like an impossible situation.
At one time or another, we’ve all had our Red Sea moments.
My first one is so vivid to me. I was 16 years old and thought I’d struck it rich with an after-school nannying job. Two great kids, 30 hours a week and wait for it…. $4 per hour! The minimum wage at the time was $3.15, so I thought I’d won the lottery! The problem was I needed my own car. So my dad took me to buy the cutest car a girl’s ever driven for $3,000. I drove that baby off the lot like the Israelites left Egypt, fast and free! Well not exactly free, I had a very doable debt payment of $105 per month, payable over three years.
It was very doable until a crisis hit the family I worked for, and they had to let me go, without notice. Suddenly, $105 looked like $105,000! I thought for sure my little pride and joy would be repossessed. You may be wondering, “wouldn’t your parents have covered that bill for a month?” For some reason, that never dawned on me. It was my responsibility, and I knew I needed a miracle.
Sunday came and I tithed and gave a $21 pledge I’d made for the building fund at our church. On Monday, I fasted and prayed all day. At the end of that very day, an attorney from our church called, out of the blue and asked if I could work for him. He offered to pay me $5/hour, starting immediately! No one has ever praised God so much for a $5/hour job! It FOREVER marked me, because God did the IMPOSSIBLE! I was being chased down by fear and debt. I was wading into unknown waters, where I felt I would drown, and then God parted the sea!
So, I realize that your “impossible” may be bigger than needing a job to cover a $105 debt. I, myself, long for the same “impossibles” I had at the age of 16. It was such a huge miracle to me then, that I’ve reminded myself of God’s faithfulness to a desperate 16-year-old in a million other Red Sea moments since then.
Moses did what we all have to do in the face of the impossible when we are between two really bad options, and we have no way of escape. He took hold of his staff, put it in the water, and had great FAITH.
Faith is more than just hope. Faith is unwavering belief.
Hebrews 11:1 says:
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
When you are facing the impossible, do you feel confidence and assurance? I didn’t feel confidence and assurance as I dropped my valuable $21 into the offering bucket that weekend, but my faith made way for my obedience.
Today, what is your “red sea”? What is the thing in front of you that seems impossible? It’s time to gather your faith, lift your head, and see God do the impossible!