We Will See It Move
One hot, sunny afternoon, I was plodding down the sidewalk while pushing my baby in a stroller, fretting over my stressful circumstances. I cried out to the Lord: I cannot go on like this; something has to change.
What type of battle and frustration was I facing?
I don't even remember the specific details of that day. Still, I clearly recall the desperate feeling of being at a breaking point. Unfortunately, that's a feeling I've experienced many times in my life, especially when sleep-deprived!
I had asked friends to pray for me, I had prayed for myself until I was spent, and I didn't know what else to do. But I listened to a sermon podcast that day that delivered the exact message I needed to hear.
It was about Joshua chapter six, when the Israelites were commanded to march around the walled city of Jericho, circling it once for six days and then seven times on the seventh day (Joshua 6:3).
My impactful takeaway was this: When you don't know what else to do, keep marching.
Can you imagine being a lower-ranking soldier under Joshua's command? Just following orders and literally walking in circles, unsure what you're doing and why?
I feel that way sometimes: going in circles around a towering, fortified wall with no way in or out. I want a dramatic blowup to blast every difficulty out of my life, breaking down walls and moving mountains, but God whispers, "walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Faith moves mountains, and I promise you will see it move (whatever "it" is for your right now). God is all-powerful. He can heal our relationships, illnesses, finances, anxiety, depression, work stress . . . you name it because there's no detail He can't resolve.
But remember that the big move isn't external; it's internal.
Although God could make your battles instantly disappear, sometimes His purpose can't come to pass unless we face "it" head-on. So we have to move forward in faith, confident that God is with us, working all things for good because we love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Do you remember the children's song, "We're Going on a Bear Hunt?" Well, sometimes you have a mountain in front of you, and you can't go under it, can't go around it, can't go through it, you got to go over it.
After consistently putting one foot in front of the other, you'll find that steady marching leads you to mountain top moments.
So keep taking those steps to live in freedom, don't stop. Read your Bible, pray, serve, forgive, and surrender every detail of your day to the Lord. As you progress, something is shifting inside of you that will transform how you perceive the mountain in front of you–and the mountain will be under your feet!
As you move forward with God, you will see it move.