We Will See It Grow
I love to plant things and watch them grow. There is satisfaction for me in getting my hands dirty and planting seeds and seedlings then watching them grow into strong, healthy plants that provide food and beauty. Gardening is inherent for me: I grew up helping my dad in his garden, and he helped his parents on their family farm as he grew up. I’m pretty sure the same was true for my grandparents’ early years, too. Gardening and growing things has been a way of life for my family for generations.
Just over a year ago, my husband and I built a new home on a large lot with plenty of room for a huge garden. One of our first outdoor projects was putting in our garden. We were so excited to have the extra space to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans and squash. We tilled the ground, we prepared rows in the dirt, we planted seeds and seedlings so eager to see the fruit of our garden. As the weeks passed, our plants seemed very slow to grow and even slower to produce fruit. We learned that the dirt we planted our garden in was “dead” – it had no nutrients to feed our growing garden so the plants couldn’t produce strong plants or good fruit. In our excitement to plant our garden, we forgot that it needed rich, fertile soil to flourish.
Just like my garden needs amended soil to produce big, gorgeous tomatoes, my life needs a healthy foundation to grow. In this ever-changing world full of drama and controversy, it is so easy to forget that my feet need to be planted firmly in soil amended with God’s word and promises, not soil amended by news anchors and social media. When my life feels out of control, I have to ask myself, “where are you planted?” Am I believing what social media says or am I leaning into what God says about me? God says, “You are loved, you are worthy, you have a purpose, you are brave, and YOU ARE MINE!” Top that, social media!
On this beautiful summer morning as I sit on my back patio and look out at my garden thriving from nitrogen and compost enriched soil, I’m thankful for an earthly father who taught me to love growing things, and for a heavenly Father who loves me and loves to see me grow.
“I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6 (NLT)
- Margie Reed