We Will See It... The Promises of God
Do you ever look at your life and think: I am living the promises of God! Or do you sometimes feel like the promises of God for your life have expired? I have felt both the satisfaction of seeing promises come to pass, and the wonder that comes in the waiting.
My husband and I knew from the start of our marriage that we wanted children. He would often recount the moment he felt God told him, “she is the mother of your children” before we even started dating. We knew it would happen. A year after we got married, we decided it was the right time and started trying, but nothing happened. We tried for 3 years before we went to the first doctor. We were told it may not be possible to conceive, I suffered multiple miscarriages, and I began to wonder if I had misunderstood. Or, maybe I missed something. Part of me gave up hope we would see the miracle come to pass.
Israel was no stranger to feeling this way either. They had a promise of an actual promised land, but even with all the miracles—parting of the water, provision in the desert—they forgot the goodness of their God. They questioned His ability to fulfill His promise to them. It was this lack of faith that caused an entire generation to miss out on the promise; the next generation was the one to see it come to pass.
Although the next generation had experienced all the same miracles in the desert, they chose to take a different approach. On their journey to the promised land, the Lord miraculously parted the waters of the Jordan River and they walked through on dry ground! This happened 40 years prior at the Dead Sea, but this time the Israelites gathered stones from the river and built a memorial to remind themselves and all future generations of what God had done for them.
The difference is that the second generation chose to remember. The promise brings us hope for the future but remembering the miracles of the past gives us faith in the waiting. Without faith, how can we see the promise come to pass?
After a miscarriage at the start of 2019, I decided to journal each day to remind myself of all God had done for me so far. If He could do it before, He could do it again. My faith was built, and after 4 years of loss and heartache, we got our little miracle.
Chances are most, if not all, of us are waiting on a promise in at least one area of our lives. Instead of focusing on what God has yet to finish, choose to remember! If God said He will do it, He will bring it to completion (Phil 1:6).
- Chloe Morris