I Am My Father's Daughter
Death has a way to make you reflect on life. Although my dad is in heaven now, the mirror of my life tells the story of a father’s love. His words echo in my ear… “Adriane, you are beautiful. You can be anything you desire to be!” Every time I faced my reflection, I chose, at times even dared, to believe his thoughts and receive his love and adoration towards me. I tucked them deep into my heart.
Saturday mornings in my middle school years were sometimes annoying. My dad would come into my room and lay on the carpeted floor and ask me the same question… EVERY TIME…”Adriane, what do you think?”Laying there, I would roll my eyes thinking, “Really, dad?! I just want to sleep!”, but instead I would say,“About what, Dad?”. He would then repeat…” What do you think?”
Oh how wise he was to lasso me in with such an open-ended question. He was building a bridge allowing him to enter into my world, to get a glimpse of the deeper places of my heart, to learn what was important to me, what was bothering me and give me a place to just be heard. That bridge was the pathway of relationship that was well traveled and loved. It was free and fun. It took effort, yet proved to be the most impactful road of my life. Every conversation would end with this reassurance, “Adriane, I don’t expect you to be an angel, but I don’t expect you to be a fool either.” Those words of wisdom took the pressure of perfection off of me, but at the same time made me stand tall knowing that my father had expectations of greatness in me. I felt like I was heard, like I belonged, like I had value and was loved beyond measure!
Our Heavenly Father does the same thing. He wants us to come to Him and pour out our thoughts, concerns, and cultivate rich communication with Him. He sits at the doors of our lives waiting for us to answer, and when we do, his Holy Spirit guides us through this journey of life. He says to you today, “You are heard. You belong. You have value. You are loved beyond measure.”
In the same way, as Radiant Sisters we are to create bridges of communication, where love and relationship can freely flow. Take time to stop, ask questions, and listen to others to share their heart and see the Father’s love through you. That’s a perspective of life and value we must fight to build and keep.
We are bombarded by so much in this world, that sometimes we can forget that our Father values us and loves us. He sees future in you and there is no mistake you have made that can take away His unconditional love for you!
“Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love. Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean!” Micah 7:18-19
Remember, YOU, like me, are the Father’s daughter and are so loved!
~Adriane Brown