I Am Free

The world wrongfully defines freedom as the ability to do whatever we want. It says that freedom means throwing off all limits and being completely uninhibited to act in whatever way feels good and natural. Isn’t it so funny how the enemy has taken the word freedom and cleverly twisted it to something that actually enslaves us?
The Lord defines freedom as being unburdened by the entanglements of this world and unblocked to His blessing in this life – peace, joy, hope, life to the full (Gal 5:1). While the world is saying, do whatever you want, Christ is saying follow Me, I have overcome the world. 
So what does it mean to walk in the freedom afforded to us by the Lord?

  1. Recognize your Kingdom citizenship.
    We are not of this world! This world and its “benefits” are temporary. The enemy’s only tactic is a lie, and the lie he tells us is that he has something to offer us that is greater than what the Lord offers. We serve a King! Not only that, but the King of kings. One of unlimited resource, overflowing wisdom and a love that will hold nothing good back from His children (Matt 7:11). We are eternal beings and we live according to a different standard, a higher constitution. There is nothing here that can satisfy us. 

  2. Rely on your accountability partners. 
    We must embrace limitations. Oof, well that’s the opposite what we expected to hear. But it’s true! Like we talked about earlier, God holds no good thing back from us. The only time he asks us to place limits on our life is when He knows the flourishing that will result. Being accountable to others is one of the ways that we set healthy limitation for ourselves. I was told once that an accountability partner gives you an account of your ability to walk the walk you’ve been called to. Proverbs 27:6 tells us that “Faithful are the wounds of a friend….” We must surround ourselves with those who love us enough to direct us back to the life and therefore freedom of the Lord.

  3. Trust the process. 
    2 Corinthians 3:17-18 says “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory….” We are being transformed, meaning we aren’t there yet. Many of us don’t praise until we are perfect. I believe the Lord would encourage us to embrace the process. The best part of all of this is that the work is not ours, but the Lord’s. In Philippians 1:6, the Apostle Paul says “…I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Freedom does not come from anything we do, but from Christ living in us. And knowing that, we can surrender to Him. What is freer than that? 

Radiant Sisters, the world is desperate for true freedom. They’ve tried everything else and it isn’t working. How powerful would it be for them to see the people of God living differently? For them to see people subjected to the same trials and tribulations, yet joyful and peaceful and marked by something clearly other. We are praying for you. Let’s walk in freedom together.  

 - Zion Montgomery


I Am Grateful


I Am Chosen