Coming Face to Face with Wonder
Wonder, in its verb tense, means to desire or to be curious to know something. There is no more perfect description for this season. From the very first Christmas, where the Reason for our celebration was birthed, to the wonder that little ones experience when seeing beautifully wrapped gifts begging for a sneak-peak under a lovingly decorated tree, to the wonder of who may show up when the family gathers and what conversations may ensue, we should keep the wonder.
Wonder was never meant to be robbed by reality. Seasons of celebration are sometimes soured by disappointments or stolen by relational pressures, financial stresses or loneliness. Not everyone has the picture-perfect Christmas. Yet, the original purpose of Christmas was and continues to be that Hope stepped into hopelessness. Light stepped into darkness. Reconciliation and healing stepped into brokenness. This kind of wonder doesn’t push itself on us but is waiting to be invited and embraced.
This wonder-maker is named Jesus. He is the creator of the universe, and He did something so unexpected and countercultural. He left every comfort in heaven to come down so that we might have relationship with Him. Jesus was born, not in a five-star hotel, but in a manger. Jesus grew up humbly, not seeking attention, but seeking the will of his Father in heaven. Jesus who knew no sin became sin on the cross paying our every debt so that we might have eternal life with Him. Everything about Jesus should make us WONDER in every sense of the word. We invite you in this season to wonder with Jesus, ask questions and allow something beautiful to unexpectedly interrupt your holiday hurry.
Pastor Lori Champion