This Ain't Our First Rodeo!
Women do something that men NEVER DO! When we go to an event we’ve never been to before, or take a trip to a new place, we collaborate about what to wear. I’ve never seen my husband call his buddies and say, “What are you wearing to the conference?” On the other hand, If I’m not physically shopping with a friend, I’m probably sending photos from a dressing room to a group text of fashionistas, taking a thumbs-up or down vote on my finds.
I learned the necessity of this type of collaboration the hard way. Moving to Austin, TX without knowing anyone in our new city, I ventured to the hallowed grounds of Texas’ capital city’s rodeo, and there, I experienced the biggest fashion faux pas of my life!
We weren’t just ordinary ticket holders.We were given VIP tickets from a company we did business with. We had VIP Club access, where the who’s who socialized before and after the rodeo. Now, this is long before the days of Pinterest, where there are boards of fashion ideas for any occasion. And for some reason, I thought, “Rodeo… let me be as comfortable as possible.” I like to look cute, but I’m not going to suffer for it!
So we walk into the VIP Rodeo club, and I’m blinded by bling! Rhinestones adorn every possible clothing item that exists, boots and big-as-your-face belt buckles, and BIG Hair… hair for days to match the make-up for days! “Everything is bigger in Texas” is a true statement, and that was confirmed to me that night!
And what did I wear, you ask? An Adidas track suit!
Yes, I bounced into that club, looking like I took a wrong turn on the way to Jazzercise!! I didn’t know there was a uniform for a rodeo! Those cowgirls took one look at me and said, “This really IS her ‘FIRST RODEO!’”
Where am I going with this? When it comes to pursuing the life God has called us to, there are many “first rodeos”. I was in the right city, exactly where God called us, and yet having awkward moments while trying to fit into a new location, in a new role, without the comfortable surroundings and friends I’d grown up with to that point. How different would that experience have been if I’d had some rodeo-savvy friends who could say, “That outfit ain’t workin’ for ya, sister!”
Perhaps you’ve heard the exciting news about our Women’s ministry at Celebration Church. We have changed our name from Celebration Sisters to Radiant Sisters. Part of the reason is because we want the biggest thing we do – our conference – to have an ultimate goal of community. From conference to community. From rows to circles.
Our calling needs collaboration! We need each other, girls! We need women in our lives to be honest and encouraging, to let us know how they navigated awkward and difficult seasons. The greatest component built into the economy of God, from before time is evidenced in Genesis 1:26, “Let US make…”. God even functions in COMMUNITY. I think what many of us don’t realize is that our community gives us confidence for our calling. I would never be the wife, mother or leader that I am without the sisters God has given me, who’ve encouraged, challenged, and called me higher!
Community is a DISCIPLINE. If you’ve never stepped outside of your comfort zone to get into a small group, let me be the one to lovingly pressure you, “Now is the time!” Our Radiant Sisters meet throughout our Austin metroplex so you can find a group of gals close to your home, school or work that are in the same season of life as you, or even a little further along. These sisters will quickly find their way into your favorites for those necessary wardrobe calls!
There are best friends you’ve never met. There are sisters who not only have rodeo fashion tips, but they’ve been bucked off of some horses, and are still riding and giving lessons. And you have so much to offer too! I love this passage, Hebrews 10:23-25 says: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Radiant Sisters, let’s spur on, let’s meet, let’s encourage each other, and let’s confidently conquer all that God has for us….together!
Pastor Lori Champion