Fear is a funny thing. In one second you can go from a carefree day to panic and worry. I remember a moment of fear that came over me on my first trip to our Xai Xai Campuses in Mozambique, Africa. We were prepared to host our very first Radiant Conference and in addition to leading the team, I was also the main speaker. It would be my first time to work with a translator and also my first time to step foot into Africa, a life-long dream for me.
I was so concerned about communicating a message of hope to the women that I studied tirelessly during my twenty-four hours of travel. I had a full binder of messages just in case the Lord led me a different direction. I was unsure, nervous and excited all at the same time. After we arrive by plane we had another drive that was serval hours long to arrive at our final destination. A couple hours into our drive, I realized that I had left my binder with all of my notes (aka security) on the plane! Immediately fear gripped me, I was intimidated by the task I had been entrusted with, feeling like a total failure before I even started. I knew we could not turn around, so I closed my eyes and prayed.
In my heart, I heard the Holy Spirit impress this word to me, “Keep it simple.” A breath of peace and word of grace came over me and in it that moment fear was gone. God ordered my steps, directed my words and anointed me for the call that he had called me to. I had all I needed in him! It would not be my words or works that would move the women to salvation, healing and water baptism, it would be the kindness of our Savior.
1 John 4:18 NIV
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
No matter what intimidation is coming your way, remember that God’s love for you is perfect. When we feel fear, we can invite the love of God to spill over our situation, we can remind ourselves of his unending devotion to us and we can command fear to leave because we are mark by God and equipped by him for every challenge we will ever face.
The enemy wants to cripple you with the bully of fear because he knows a fearful Christian is a useless Christian. Fear paralyzes us and keeps us from our calling. Fear focuses our attention on worshipping our problem, instead of trusting in our unfailing God.
Sister, don’t worry, you are not alone. The army of the Lord is standing with you and God already had an answer before you were ever aware of the problem. You can worship carefree before the Lord because he is most careful with you! (1Peter 5:7 MSG)
By: Pastor Celeste Gonzalez